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Americans with Disabilities Act

Accessibility Standards

Introduction to the ADA standards

The ADA standards are issued by the Department of Justice (DOJ) and the Department of Transportation (DOT) and apply to facilities covered by the ADA in new construction and alterations. DOJ’s standards apply to all facilities covered by the ADA, except public transportation facilities, which are subject to DOT’s standards.

Both standards are very similar and are closely based on the Board’s ADA Accessibility Guidelines (ADAAG). However, each contains a few unique provisions, which are included in this edition of the standards.

Department of Justice ADA Standards (2010)

DOJ seal

DOJ’s ADA standards (2010) became mandatory on March 15, 2012. They include provisions that modify certain portions of Chapters 1-10, including provisions addressing the following areas:

  • Assembly Areas (221)
  • Medical Care Facilities (223)
  • Places of Lodging (224)
  • Housing at Places of Education (224 and 233)
  • Detention and Correctional Facilities (section 232)
  • Social Service Center Establishments (233)
  • Residential Dwelling Units (233)

See also on DOJ’s website at

Department of Transportation ADA Standards for Transportation Facilities (2006)

DOT seal

DOT’s ADA standards (2006) apply to facilities used by state and local governments to provide designated public transportation services, including bus stops and stations, and rail stations. They include unique provisions concerning:

  • Location of Accessible Routes (206.3)
  • Detectable Warnings on Curb Ramps (406.8)
  • Bus Boarding and Alighting Areas (810.2.2)
  • Rail Station Platforms (810.5.3)

See also on DOT’s website:

Technical Assistance

Contact the Access Board for guidance on these standards: