In May 2021, the Access Board hosted a public forum on access to self-service transaction machines (SSTM) and self-service kiosks. A summary, the recording, and presentation materials of the forum are available in the Board’s May 24, 2021 news article.
On September 21, 2022, the U.S. Access Board issued an advance notice of proposed rulemaking (ANPRM) on supplemental accessibility guidelines for different types of SSTMs, including electronic self-service kiosks, for persons with disabilities. The Board seeks comments on accessibility related to the various types of SSTMs, use and design of SSTMs, location of SSTMs, and economic impacts on small business, non-profit, and governmental entities in the implementation of accessible SSTMs.
The notice is based on technical requirements for ATMs and fare machines in the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and Architectural Barriers Act (ABA) Accessibility Standards and relevant provisions for hardware in the revised standards applicable to information and communication technology subject to Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act (Revised 508 Standards). The ADA and ABA Accessibility Standards require ATMs and fare vending machines be accessible to people who have mobility disabilities, limited dexterity, or are of short stature by addressing clear floor space, reach range, operable parts, privacy, speech output, braille, and display screens. The Board is also considering incorporating certain requirements in the Revised 508 Standards for “closed” hardware into a proposed rule. An SSTM Comparison Matrix of the ADA and ABA Guidelines, the Revised 508 Standards, and the Department of Transportation’s rule on airport kiosks is available in the rulemaking docket.
Public comments for the ANPRM were due by November 21, 2022.
For background and more information, access the docket or browse the comments. The next steps in this rulemaking include analysing comments and developing a preliminary regulatory impact analysis (PRIA) and Initial Regulatory Flexibility Analysis (IRFA).
More information about the Board’s Rulemaking Process and the Administrative Procedure Act (APA) is available.