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ADA & ABA Standards Chapter 8: Special Rooms, Spaces, and Elements (Part 1)

September 03, 2020 Presented on: September 03, 2020

This session is the first of two sessions that will review scoping and technical provisions for special rooms, spaces, and elements in the ADA and ABA Accessibility Standards (Chapter 8). These requirements ensure access to a diverse group of rooms and spaces. This first session will address the requirements for wheelchair spaces, companion seats, and designated aisle seats in assembly areas, dressing, fitting, & locker rooms, kitchens & kitchenettes, and transient lodging guest rooms. The remaining sections of chapter 8 will be addressed in part two. Presenters will address common sources of confusion and frequently asked questions about these provisions.


Bill Botten, Training and Technical Assistance Coordinator, U.S. Access Board Randall Duchesneau, Accessibility Specialist, U.S. Access Board